Why Getting Aligned is the Easiest Way To Significantly Up-Level Your Life

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Do you ever wonder why some people’s lives just seem to flow so smoothly? It’s almost as if they know some secret magic trick that just makes things easy for them.

I used to feel like there was something wrong with me that my life felt so hard. I would read and read searching for answers. I felt I was onto something when I started learning about vibration alignment. This was the mysterious secret that I was looking for.

When I figured out how to become aligned, everything started flowing for me, too. Once you realize that becoming vibrationally aligned is a skill that you can develop, then your own life will start to feel like magic and you can act like you know the secret to the Universe, because you do. 

You are a magical being

When you were little did you feel like maybe you were magical? Or at least believed that the universe was a little bit magical? You weren’t wrong. At some point, society starts to make us believe that magic isn’t real. Initially, it starts as protection from fear, so we aren’t afraid of ghosts because they aren’t real. It becomes silly and we aren’t supposed to believe in magic.

While I don’t exactly think magic like the kind you see in Harry Potter is real (though I’m open to the possibility). I do believe that there is an everyday type of magic that’s totally accessible.

It starts with our perspective. Einstein said, “there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

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When you choose to view the world as a magical place and accept that you are a magical person in the world, the world starts to feel and act that way.

And then, poof, you start to become the Mary Fucking Poppins of your life.

What you believe becomes your reality.

Have you ever noticed those people who complain a lot have a lot to complain about? The opposite is also true. When I believe that my world is a magical world then things start to feel and respond that way. 

It feels good to be around people who have that sort of energy. They’re magnetic. They’re charismatic. Those are the people everyone wants to be around.

You are capable of creating that enticing energy within yourself by believing that you are magical.

How can I believe I am magical?

You’re probably wondering, how you can start believing something that you might not think is true. Maybe you’re wondering, “Carmen, how can I believe I’m magical when I’m such a mess?” This is not about tricking yourself or faking it till you make it. This is about leaning into what feels believable and then expanding from there. (Also, please stop saying you are a mess!)

  • The first step is to think thoughts that make you feel magical. Thoughts you think over and over again eventually become beliefs. Practice thinking these thoughts over and over. 

  • The next step is to look for magic in the world. It doesn’t have to be major magic, it can be in the simplest things. On my walk this morning I saw a hummingbird, a butterfly, and some yellow flowers. That felt pretty magical to me.  

  • And the last step is to create practices in your life that help you get aligned.


How to tap into your magic

You can choose thoughts that make you feel magical. The key is that you have to choose believable thoughts. Then you have to practice thinking them on purpose.

Some thoughts to practice:

  • The world can feel magical

  • Nature is definitely magical

  • I’m open to synchronicities

  • I can look for little miracles every day

  • I’ve seen and had magical moments

Some of the things you can do to get aligned are:

  • Meditate

  • Visualize what you’re wanting 

  • Have a gratitude practice

  • Learn something new about energy tools- like crystals, oracle cards, repeating numbers

  • Seek guidance from someone who knows about these things, like a book, a healer, or a group.


You are totally capable of living an aligned life. The more you think thoughts and take actions that help you stay in a vibrational frequency that feels magical the more you will create a magical life. I can’t wait to hear about how your life is up-leveling. And remember, just because you know how it works doesn’t mean it’s not magical.

Share in the comments below what you’re looking forward to creating in your life. And if you want some extra help you can discover what I consider the 5 core tools for alignment which are in my book, Unstoppable: The Overwhelmed Girl’s Guide to Life, or if you feel ready to practice getting aligned on a regular basis, then you can join my monthly membership club, The Casual Coven.