When I got my first job and my first paycheck in the entertainment industry, I was so excited because I could finally go get an acupuncture treatment.  I realize this might seem odd, but to me, it wasn’t.  The father of my best friend growing up was an acupuncturist and I had always heard of this mystical medicine- I was completely intrigued!  Thus, my journey began.  


After almost ten years in the entertainment business, I was searching for something different.  I really enjoyed helping people, but wasn’t sure what that meant for me specifically.  One day, I was on the phone with my old friend and he just said, “Carmen, why don’t you become an acupuncturist?!”  It was the a-ha moment of my life.  I was so passionate about acupuncture.  It had really been my anchor all those years and yet it never occurred to me that I could do it, too. 


“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou



My mom is from Bolivia and my father is Cuban. As a first generation kid I was constantly trying to bridge the space between my family’s culture and the environment I was being raised in. Books helped. I read my first spiritual books (Be Here Now and Way of the Peaceful Warrior) when I was about 13 which led me on a path of self inquiry. Since then I have read hundreds of books, explored all different types of religions, self improvement seminars,  psychology, and healing methods. This eventually led me to acupuncture school, where after four years of study I earned a Masters Degree in Traditional Asian Medicine from Emperor’s College and graduated Magna Cum Laude. 


I loved acupuncture school so much. I learned a tremendous amount from my teachers and the people I met. This is also how I got into reiki, Neuro-Emotional Technique, and essential oils. After school I did a year long post-graduate course with Professor Neil Gumenick, my mentor and hero, who also happened to officiate my wedding. He teaches Classical Five Elements in the Worsley tradition. This style of acupuncture explores the spiritual aspects of each and every acupuncture point to achieve a deep level of healing. Because I have always received a variety of treatments, I always wanted to incorporate those different modalities into how I treated my clients. This makes my treatments unique and a little magical.


In 2009 I fulfilled my dream of opening a private practice in my hometown of Pacific Palisades.  

Working at treatment centers for adults and teens with chemical dependence as well as psychiatric disorders, Milestones Ranch and Echo Malibu, I learned so much working with people in recovery and it made me passionate about healing mental health issues.

I have always loved to hear people’s stories, I bring that into what I do now. I feel that being heard is a substantial part of the healing process. I use my perceptive listening to really get to know you. My clients say that they feel they could say anything and it’s totally ok. I provide a non-judgmental space for you to just be completely yourself so we can get to the bottom of what’s going on.

I had been working with the non-profit Determined To Succeed as a consultant for a little over a year and I'm proud to say that in 2017 I became their Health and Wellness Director. This position allows me to bring all aspects of physical and mental well-being to first generation, low income, underserved teens who are headed to college. This work means the world to me and if you'd like to donate to or find out more about that organization please click here


Over the years, my practice has evolved and what I practice now is a hybrid of the techniques I’ve learned. Whether you’re having ordinary every day stress or more serious underlying issues like anxiety or depression, I am committed to helping you discover the root of your internal blocks and clearing them. As a mental health coach and energy healer my mission is to help empower you with the tools you need to have clarity and feel grounded. I want to help you find peace in your mind, body and soul so you can fulfill your mission on this planet.


Lucky me! I have been featured in AirMail Weekly, Palisadian Post, Voyage LA Magazine, Daily Candy’s Health and Wellness Guide, I have a blog dedicated to self-improvement, and am the creator of The Casual Coven: Be Magical, an online space for women to be magical. I am a contributor for ThriveGlobal and my first book, Unstoppable: The Overwhelmed Girl’s Guide to Life is finally here!


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