The Number One Thing Taking You Out of Your Flow


I have been sitting here for several minutes thinking about writing. Hemming and hawing. Every part of my being doesn't want to do it.I am thinking about ten other things that I "should" be doing right now.One of which is eating an almond croissant.I am confronting my own resistance. Days before I sat down I was thinking about writing and all this chatter came up. All the questions and reasons why I am against writing."I don't know what to write about""I don't know how to say what I want to say""No one cares about this stuff anyway""I deserve to rest on the couch and watch Netflix" What is interesting to me is that I know my true self wants nothing more than to write. Be a writer. Write this for you.When I worked for a literary agent in the entertainment industry he would say to me, "what's the hardest thing to get a writer to do?" At the time I didn't know."Write."I understand this on such a deep level now.Whether you are a writer or not, this applies to you. We all experience this feeling that stops us from doing and having what we want.This beast that keeps us procrastinating, that takes us out of our flow is resistance.When resistance pops in we are at war with our mind. 

Examples of Resistance

  • Having a task to do and not wanting to do it.

  • Someone has an opinion different than yours and it bothers you

  • You think someone is wrong

  • When you feel something should/shouldn't be a certain way

  • Not wanting to get out of bed

  • You're in pain or tense in your body

  • You avoid a situation

  • Avoiding making a call/communication

  • Disliking or having a hard time with change

What You Need To Know About Resistance

Acknowledging resistance is the first step to softening it. Accepting that resistance is supposed to be there is another way. What I mean when I say it's supposed to be there is that resistance is an automatic response to the desire to expand beyond where you are now.Anytime you need to stretch outside of your comfort zone you will experience resistance on some level.It is A plus B equals C.This is your survival instinct kicking in. Resistance is trying to keep you safe. Anytime you do something new, anytime there is the potential for failure, you will experience resistance. It is there to try and protect you from putting yourself out there.Resistance is a negative thought that creates discomfort, a tightening or nagging sensation in your body.When you expect resistance and know that it's going to bring up all the reasons why you shouldn't do something, then you are prepared to handle it.In the knowing that resistance is the natural progression, you can also release any feeling of inadequacy or guilt. There is nothing wrong with you. You are normal. You are experiencing resistance just like the rest of us.  

Why You Need to Identify Resistance

1.   Resistance creates a stress response in your body. The moment you are "against" something you are out of your flow. This makes everything feel harder. It is possible to reach your goal but at a larger cost than necessary.It's the equivalent of pushing a boulder uphill. When stress is triggered it's almost impossible to come from a place of wisdom and clarity, let alone productivity. 2. Have you heard the saying, "what you resist persists"? It's true. The more you resist something the more firmly you are holding it in place. If I tell you not to think about bananas.... are you thinking about bananas? Of course you are.This applies to you especially if you have a rebellious nature.  Think about moving with the things you want instead of against the things you don't. Instead of being against something, what are you for? Once you can start to identify your areas of resistance it will be much easier to manage them.Share in the comments below where you are noticing resistance today.