What You Need to Understand About Going Through a Transition


We have all gone through transitions in our life. Some of us like change, a lot of us don't. But all of us go through transitions.There is no stopping it.Even though you will go through many transitions in your life, it never feels like a smooth process. If you've ever moved from one location to another you know that particular transition is a giant stressor. And if you've done it more than once know it's still hard even if you know how to do it.Transitions seem to create a lot of confusion. You might start to question yourself and how you are managing it all.

Some of the common thoughts I hear are:

Why is this so hard for me?I should be over this by now.Why am I so tired?Why do I feel this way?There must be something wrong with me.I should be able to handle this.Having been through countless transitions in my own life, I get it. My mom passed away suddenly about a year and a half ago. That was one of the hardest things I've gone through and am still going through. But I know I am not unique. Billions of people have overcome this same experience. I don't say that to diminish the experience but to know there is a way to understand it.No matter what transition you are going through, knowing these things will help create some ease. 

Understanding Going Through a Transitional Time

  1. Transitions are supposed to be hard.

Transitions are not easy on purpose! If they were easy you would not grow or expand as a human being. You matured with every transition you went through. Growth happens in challenging conditions. You will stop beating yourself up for not being strong enough if you know that this time is going to be tough. You will be uncomfortable and that's ok.2.  You aren't supposed to be there already.Stop putting limits and parameters on yourself for how you are supposed to be and feel. You feel how you feel because that's how you feel. There is no right way to get where you are going. You are unique and so is your journey. Where you are at is so normal. It's not linear either. The second year of grieving my mom was harder in a way. There was less shock to numb the pain. So a whole other layer came up in the second year. I didn't freak out because I understood that this was normal.3.  You will get through it.You have gotten through every other transition in your life, you will get through this one, too. You have proven how capable you are by what you've already overcome. Reflect on your past and acknowledge the wins.If you can accept that this is what's normal, then instead of feeling overwhelmed and defeated, you will be able to move through your transition with grace .Even though it's hard.Even when it's kicking your ass.Even though you are over it.This is the process that will get you to the other side, where you will become more of the best parts of yourself. That strong, wise, unstoppable you is right around the corner of transition.Bring it on. What transition are you going through now? Please share in the comments...-P.S.Last week I talked about self-care and based on the feedback I decided to make a Self-Care Worksheet so you can create your own self-care routine. It's coming soon!

Image courtesy of Patrick Tomaso